Pyrum +

Brand Name : Pyrum +

Technical Name : Chlorpyrifos 20.00% EC

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1lit

Class : Insecticides

PYRUM + (Chlorpyrifos20.00% EC ) is used as an insecticide on various crops such as paddy, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, groundnut, mustard, vegetables, fruits Chlorpyrifos 20% EC is also used for pre and post construction anti termite treatment.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Paddy (Rice) Hispa 1250 500-1000 -
Leaf folder 1875 500-1000 -
Gall midge, Stem borer, Whorl maggot 1250 500-1000 -
Beans Pod borer, Black bug 3000 500-1000 -
Gram Cut worm 2500 500-1000 -
Sugarcane Black bug 750 500-1000 -
Early shoot & stalkborer 1250-1500 500-1000 -
Pyrilla 1500 500-1000 -
Cotton Aphid, Bollworm, Whitefly 1250 500-1000 -
Cut worm 3750 500-1000 -
Groundnut Aphid 1000 500-1000 -
Root grub 1125 500-1000 -
Mustard Aphid 500 500-1000 -
Brinjal Shoot & fruit borer 1000 500-1000 -
Cabbage Diamond back moth 2000 500-1000 -
Onion Root grub 5000 500-1000 -
Apple Aphid 3750-5000 1500-2000 -
Ber Leaf hopper 2250-3000 1500-2000 -
Citrus Black citrus, Aphid 1500-2000 1500-2000 -
Tobacco Ground beetle 1750 500-1000 -