Asura Min

Brand Name : Asura Min

Technical Name : Azadirachtin 0.3% EC

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1lit

Class : Insecticides

Asura MIN (Azadirachtin 0.3% EC) Neem based biopesticide containing 3,000 ppm of Azadirachtin, which can be used both as a prophylactic and a tank mix spray in controlling sucking and chewing pests including Mites.

Preparation of Spray Solution :

Take a small quantity of water in a container and dissolve required quantity of Asura Min in it. Stir this solution properly and mix it with the remaining quantity of water. The volume of total water required will depend on crop stage, crop cover, the total area to be treated and the type of sprayer used.

Dosage :

Crop Pest/Disease Dosage (ml/ha)
Cabbage White fly, Thrips, Aphids, Early instars of Diamond Back moth 1250-1500
Chillies Thrips, Jassid & Mites, Early instars of fruit borers 1250-1500
Cotton Thrips, Whitefly, Aphids and Jassids 1250-1500
Cumin Thrips 1250-1500
Ornamental Flowers Thrips, Mites & White-fly 1250-1500
Gherkins Leaf miner & Aphids 1250-1500
Grapes Flea beetle, Mealy bugs, Jassids, Mites & Thrips 1250-1500
Onion Thrips & Mites 1250-1500
Pomergranate Thrips, Mealy bugs, Jassid & Mites, Early instars of fruitborers 1250-1500
Tomato Leaf miner, Thrips, Jassids,Aphids & Mites, Early instarsof Heliothis 1250-1500
Water melon Leaf miner, Aphids & Thrips 1250-1500