Lamrin Max

Brand Name : Lamrin Pro

Technical Name : Lambda-cyhalothrin 05.00% EC

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1lit

Class : Insecticides

LAMRIN PRO (Lambda-cyhalothrin 05.00% EC) A pyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops. Crop: Brinjal, Chick pea, Chilli, Cotton, Groundnut, Mango, Okra, Onion, Paddy, Pigeon pea, Tomato.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Cotton Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips 300-500 400-600 21
Rice (Paddy) Leaf folder, Stem borer, Green leaf hopper, Gall Midge, Rice hispa, Thrips 250 400-600 15
Brinjal Shoot & fruit borer 300 400-600 04
Tomato Fruit borer 300 400-600 04
Chili Thrips, mite, pod borer 300 400-600 05
Pigeon pea Pod borer, Pod fly 400-500 400-600 15
Onion Thrips 300 300-400 05
Bhindi (Okra) Jassids, Shoot borer 300 300-400 04
Chickpea Pod borer 500 300-400 06
Groundnut Thrips, Leaf hopper, Leaf miner 200-300 400-500 10
Mango Hoppers 0.5-1.0 ml/l of water - 07