
Brand Name : Asura

Technical Name : Azadirachtin 0.15% EC

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1lit

Class : Insecticides

Asura (Azadirachtin 0.15% EC) Neem seed kernel based EC containing azadirachtin 0.15 (1500 ppm) min. Function :Is a pest control agent used for the control of with fly and bollworm of cotton and thrips, stem borer, brown plant hopper and leaf folder on paddy. Dose: 2 & 3 ml. per 1 liter of water.

Benefits :

• Acts as an insect growth regulator.

• As a feeding deterrent.

• As an ovipositional deterrent.

• The formation of chitin (exoskeleton) is also inhibited.

• Mating, as well as sexual communication, is disrupted.

• Larvae and adults of insects are repelled.

• Adults are sterilized.

• Larvae and adults are poisoned.

Applications :

ASURA is used for all crops, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and horticultural crops. Spray Asura @ 5 ml per liter of water.

Precautions :

1. Keep away from foodstuffs, animal feed and keep out of reach of children.

2. Avoid contact with mouth, skin, eyes and more.

3. Avoid inhalation of the spray mist. Spray in the direction of the wind.

4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying.

5. Do not smoke, drink, eat chew anything while spraying.

6. Wear full protective clothing (gloves, cap, shoes and mask) while mixing and spraying.

A neem seed kernel-based Azadirachtin - 0.15% (1500 ppm)

Dosage :

Chemical Composition Per Load
Neem seed kernel extract in solvent methanol containing min. 0.15% Azadirachtin 60% w / w
Emulsifier (Polysorbate 20) 5% w / w
Purified neem oil 35% w / w
Total 100% w / w