
Brand Name : Carbon

Technical Name : Carbofuran 3% CG

Packing Size : 100gm, 500gm and 1kg

Class : Insecticides

CARBON (Carbofuran 3% CG) is a systemic carbamate insecticide/nematicide.

It is a broad spectrum insecticide / nematicide used for the control of wide range of foliar / soil pests and nematodes of major crops. It gives long lasting protection against nematode at recommended doses. It ensures healthy root growth.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Barley Aphid, Cyst nematode 33300 - -
Jassids 41600 - -
Bajra Shoot fly 50000 - -
Sorghum Shoot fly 33300 - -
Stem borer 8300 - -
Jute Nematodes 33300 - -
Groundnut Pod borer 50000 - -
White grub 33300 - -
French bean White grub 23300 - -
Potato Aphid 16600 - -
Jassids 33300 - -
Tomato Whitefly fly 40000 - -
Apple Woolly aphid 166/tree - -
Citrus Nematode 12000 - -
Leaf miner 50000 - -
Maize Stem borer, Shoot fly, Thrips 33300 - -
Paddy (Rice) Brown plant hopper Gall midge, Stem borer, Green leaf hopper, Hispa 25000 - -
Nematodes 50000 - -
Mustard Mustard leaf miner 66600 - -
Whitefly 33300 - -
Root knot nematode
50000 - -
Sugarcane Top borer 66600 - -
Bhindi (Okra) Jassids 33300 - -
ChillI Aphid , Thrips 33300 - -
Cabbage Nematode 50000 - -
Wheat Ear cockle nematode 10000 - -
Cereal cyst nematode 66600 - -
Brinjal Root knot nematode, Reniform nematode 66600 - -
Banana Rhizome weevil 33 g/suckeR - -
166 g/sucker - -
Nematode 50 g/suckers - -
Peach Leaf curl aphid 33300 - -
Mandarins Soft greens scale 13.30 g/plant - -
French bean White grubs 23300 - -

Grey & Stem weevil
33300 - -
Pea Shoot fly & Aphid - - -
Tea Cock chafer grub 33.10 g/plant - -