Farista Plus

Brand Name : Farista Plus

Technical Name : Fipronil 5% SC

Packing Size : 50gm,100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1kg

Class : Insecticides

FARISTA PLUS (Fipronil 5% SC) is a phenyl pyrazole insecticide for foliar application. It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests. It is also found to be effective particularly for managing thrips.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Rice Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Green leaf hopper, Rice leaf hopper, Rice Gall midge, Whorl maggot, White backed plant hopper 1000-1500 500 32
Cabbage Diamond back moth 800-1000 500 07
Chilli Thrips, Aphids, Fruit borers 800-1000 500 07
Sugarcane Early shoot borer & Root borer 1500-2000 500 270
Cotton Aphid, Jassid, Thrips, White fly 1500-2000 500 06
Boll worms 2000 500 07