
Brand Name : Taco

Technical Name : Tebuconazole 25% WG

Packing Size : 100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1kg

Class : Fungicides

TACO (Tebuconazole 25% WG) is an advance systemic fungicide offers an effective and reliable solution against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Chilli Powdery mildew, fruit rot 0.500-0.750 500 5
Groundnut Tikka leaf spot, rust 0.500-0.750 500 22
Rice (Paddy) Blast 750 500 10
Wheat Yellow rust 0.750 500 41
Onion Purple blotch 0.1875 500 10
Cumin Alternaria blight & Powdery mildew 0.750 500 28