
Brand Name : Prodicon

Technical Name : Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1lit

Class : Fungicides

• PRODICON (Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC) is a mixture of triazole fungicides.

• It is recommended to control of Sheath blight and dirty panicle disease in paddy.

• PRODICON in rice applied for timely protection at early (25-30 DAT) vegetative stage results into more productive tillers.

• Its ability to fight disease leading to better disease management and healthy flag leaf hence gives better yield.

• PRODICON gives healthy & productive tillers, setting maximum yield potential.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Paddy Sheath blight, dirty panicle (0.07-0.1%) 0.7-1.0ml/L 500 46