
Brand Name : Mantle

Technical Name : Metalaxyl 35% WS

Packing Size : 100gm, 250gm and 500gm

Class : Fungicides

MANTLE (Metalaxyl 35% WS) It is a systemic, phenylamide fungicide with protective and curative mode of action. It is recommended as a foliar spray on tropical and sub-tropical crops, as a soil treatment for control of soil borne pathogens and as a seed treatment to control downy mildew.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Maize Sorghum Downy mildew, Sugarcane downy mildew, Phillippine Downy mildew, Browny stripe downy mildew 700g/100 Kg seed 0.75-1.0/100 kg seed 3½-4 months Depending on the variety
Bajra Downy mildew 600g/100 Kg seed 0.75-1.0/100 kg seed 3-3½ months Depending on the variety
Sorghum Downy mildew 600g/100 Kg seed 0.75-1.0/100 kg seed 3½-4months Depending on the variety
Sunflower Downy mildew 600g/100 Kg seed 0.75-1.0/100 kg seed 3½-4months Depending on the variety
Mustard Whiterus 600g/100 Kg seed 0.75-1.0/100 kg seed 3½-4months Depending on the variety