Single/ Micro Nutrients

Brand Name : Zenta

Technical Name : Zinc EDTA 12%

Packing Size : 500gm and 1kg

Class : Single/ Micro Nutrients

Zenta (Zinc EDTA 12%) EDTA Zn consisting of Zinc metals, is guaranteed 100% “Chelated” with EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid), it is used as a fertilizer to overcome Zinc deficiency in plants, as well as a source of Zinc for those plants which require Zinc for their normal growth and higher yields

Benefits :

• Zinc chelated is least three times more effective than Zinc Sulphate in so far as uptake is concerned.

• Zinc chelate is easily translocated within the plants, because unlike Zinc Sulphate it is partly systemic.

• Zinc Sulphate reduced phosphorous uptake and the phosphorous content of the shoots in plants, while Zn-EDTA increased it.

• Zinc EDTA available to plant system very quickly. This is in contrast with Zinc from other sources which makes Zinc available very slowly, because a large quantity of such Zinc will be fixed in the soil.

• High pH conditions, zinc from other sources may not be available to plant. Zinc EDTA is versatile since it can be used for all crops and all kinds of soil.

• Chelated Zinc does not scorch the leaves but helps in better utilization of other nutrients.

Dosage :

• Soil application:

– Mix 500g of Zenta with 10 kg soil and apply uniformly on one acre.

• Foliar application:

– Dissolve 100 g of Zenta in 150-200 liters of water and spray over one acre of standing crop.

• Fertigation:

– 500 g per acre and can be mix with water soluble fertilizer for its application. Recommended on all agricultural and horticultural crops etc.