Single/ Micro Nutrients

Brand Name : Mansion

Technical Name : Manganese Sulphate 30.5%

Packing Size : 1kg and 25kg

Class : Single/ Micro Nutrients

Mansion (Manganese Sulphate 30.5%)

Mansion Manganese Sulphate 30.5% Sulphur 17.0% is a crystalline powder that is completely soluble in water. Mansion activates many enzymes in plants which helps in photosynthesis. Mansion acts as a catalyst in the manufacture of various vitamins in fruits and vegetables.

Crops :

Paddy, sugarcane, maize, wheat, cotton, potato, vegetables, mango, banana, guava, tea, coffee, flowers, medicinal plants, all types of pulses and oilseed crops etc

Quantity of use :

4 kg / acre

Application Method :

Dissolve 5-6 grams / liter of water and spray it in fruits, vegetables, Rabi, Kharif crops.