Water Soluble Fertilizers
Cubic 12:61:00

Brand Name : Cubic 12:61:00

Technical Name : NPK Mono Ammonium Phosphate

Packing Size : 1kg and 25kg

Class : Water Soluble Fertilizers

Cubic 12:61:00 (NPK Mono Ammonium Phosphate)

• 100% Water Soluble Fertilizer

• For Foliar Application and Drip Irrigation

Applications :

• Fresh root growth and fast vegetative growth

• Proper growth of reproductive parts and fertilization

Benefits :

• Suitable for all crops

• Reduce flower drop, increase fruit set, increases yield and quality of the produce

• Nutrient uptake efficiency will be enhanced, as losses due to leaching volatilization will be minimized

• Since N and P are specially structured and designed, this will give excellent growth in all the stages of the crop namely the seedling stage, vegetative stage, reproductive stage, and ripening stage.

Product Specification :

Cubic 12:61:00 FCO
Moisture percent by weight, maximum 0.5
Ammoniacal Nitrogen percent by weight, minimum 12.0
Water Soluble Phosphate (as P2O5) percent by weight, minimum 61.0
Sodium as NaCl percent by weight, maximum 0.5
Matter insoluble in water percent by weight, maximum 0.5

Dosage :

• Drip Irrigation - As per schedule

• Foliar- 1.0 to 1.5 % (10 to 15 gm per liter of water)

• One spray at 30-40 days after sowing.