Water Soluble Fertilizers
Cubic 00:52:34

Brand Name : Cubic 00:52:34

Technical Name : NPK Mono Potassium Phosphate

Packing Size : 1kg and 25kg

Class : Water Soluble Fertilizers

Cubic 00:52:34 (NPK Mono Potassium Phosphate)

• 100% Water Soluble Fertiliser For Foliar Application and Fertigation

Applications :

• Pre bloom as well as post-bloom application

• Proper ripening & attractive color formation of rind in fruits

Benefits :

• Suitable for all crops

• Improves luster, uniform color, and taste

• Since P and K are specially structured and designed, this will give excellent growth in all the stages of the crop namely seedling stage, vegetative stage, reproductive stage, and ripening stage

• Since pesticides and fungicides are very compatible with this product, all pesticides and fungicides can be mixed when applying this product.

Product Specification :

Cubic 00:52:34 FCO
Moisture percent by weight, maximum 0.5
Water Soluble Phosphate (as P2O5) percent by weight, minimum 52.0
Water Soluble Potash (as K2O) percent by weight, minimum 34.0
Sodium as NaCl percent by weight on a dry basis, maximum 0.5

Dosage :

• Drip Irrigation- As per schedule

• Foliar- 1.0 to 1.5 % (10 to 15 gm per liter of water)

• 2-3 sprays from 40-50 days after sowing to 60-70 days after sowing at 10-15 days interval