Single/ Micro Nutrients

Brand Name : B’olelo

Technical Name : Di sodium Octa Borate Tetrahydrate Boron 20%

Packing Size : 500gm and 1kg

Class : Single/ Micro Nutrients

B’olelo (Di sodium Octa Borate Tetrahydrate Boron 20%) is a disoiudm octaborate tetrahydrate, fully water soluble source of boron. Boron is an essential micronutrient and has multiple roles viz. root development, cell multiplication, reducing flower and fruit drop. It is suitable for all categories of crop (field and horticulture) for fulfilling boron requirement.

Benefits :

• Useful for all crops i.e. Cereals / Legumes / Vegetables / Fruits / Vegetables etc.

• It improves the flowering, fruit / seed setting as well fruit retention.

• Application of Boron also enhances the absorption of Calcium in plants.

• It also enhance the quality as well quantity of the crop produce.

Dosage :

can be used for foliar spray @ 1-2 gm / liter of water.