Plant Growth Regulators

Brand Name : Wahgib

Technical Name : Gibberellic Acid 0.001%L

Packing Size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1lit.

Class : Plant Growth Regulator

WAHGIB (Gibberellic Acid 0.001%L) is a versatile plant growth regulator which stimulate & regulate the plant growth. increase plant growth and crop yield. improves plant health and sustained productivity.

It enhances photosynthesis and plant metabolism.

It allows the production of bigger leaves and root system.

Dosage :

Crop Pests Dosage/ha days
Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Paddy To increase the yield and quality of the crop produce - - -
Short duration varieties 20-25 DAT
Medium duration varieties 30-35 DAT
Long duration varieties 40-45 DAT
180ml 450-500 -
(Planted crops)
First spray 40-45 DAP
Second spray 70-80 DAS
180ml 450-500 -
Cotton First spray 40-45 DAP
Second spray: At the time of ball formation
180ml 450-500 -
Groundnut First spray at flowering (30-35 AS)
Second spray at the time of flowering
180ml 450-500 -
Banana First spray 3rd month
Second spray 5th month
Third spray at the time of fruit formation
270ml. 450-500 -
Tomato/ Potato/ Cabbage /Cauliflower First spray 45 DAS
Second spray 65 DAS
180ml. 450-500 -
Grapes First spray 30-35 days after pruning
Second during the match head stage
180ml. 450-500 -
Brinjal, Bhindi First spray 34 DAP
Second spray 70 DAP
Thirds pray 105 DAP
450ml. 450-500 -
Tea Five spray at monthly interval. 270ml 450-500 -
Mulberry First spray: 15-20 days after harvest 450 450-500 -