Bio Fertilizers
Cubic Azoto

Brand Name : Cubic Azoto

Technical Name : Azotobacter

Packing Size : 250ml, 500ml and 1lit

Class : Bio Fertilizers

Cubic Azoto (Azotobacter)

Benefits :

Cubic Azoto (Azotobacter) improves seed germination and has beneficiary response on Crop Growth Rate (CGR). It helps to increase nutrient availability and to restore soil fertility for better crop response. It is an important component of integrated nutrient management system due to its significant role in soil sustainability.

Cubic Azoto inoculation curtails the requirement for nitrogenous fertilizers by 10 to 20% under normal field conditions.

Methods Of Application :

Seed Treatment

• Take 250 ml of liquid biofertiliser & make solution in 2-3 liters of water.

• Mix this solution slowly with 50-60 kg of seed by hand, so that homogenous layer should evenly mix on all the seeds

• After drying under shed, sow the seed as early as possible.

Root Treatment

• This method is useful in transplanting crops.

• Take 250 ml liquid biofertiliser and make the solution in 4-5 liters of water.

• Dip the required seedlings in this solution for 20-30 minutes before planting.

• Transplant the treated seedlings as early as possible.

Soil Treatment

• 300-400 ml liquid biofertiliser is required for 1 acre area.

• Mix well with 300-400ml liquid biofertiliser with 50-100 kg of soil/sand/compost.

• Spread this mixer homogenously in field before last ploughing or before 24 hours of sowing.


• Keep liquid biofertiliser under shed away from sunlight in cold place.

• Use specific liquid biofertilisers as recommended for special crop.

• Keep them away from chemical fertilizer & pesticides and don’t use along them.